The Boutique Practice Blueprint


Doc, does this sound like you?

  • You want to have the freedom over your schedule, so that you can enjoy your life and family NOW; rather than in 10, 20, or 30 years after you've "made it".⠀
  • You want to earn a "real doctor's salary", so that you can actually pay off your student loans and live comfortably without sacrificing your health or your family. 
  • You want to deliver intentional 5-star comprehensive concierge style care to fewer people so you can take your time and really get to know your patients, and serve them at a deeper level, without feeling stressed, rushed, overwhelmed, & drained....
  • You want guidance and direction, but you want to  create your own "Boutique Practice"  not just replicate some cookie-cutter plan...
  •  You know you are ready to open your own practice, but you aren't sure how to get started, ie: what's a good location, what to charge.
  •  You wish there was a step-by-step guide to helping you form a legitimate business that attracted the RIGHT PEOPLE?
  • You already created your small cash-based practice, in the hopes that you could leverage your time, but find yourself feeling like a slave to it and your ready to create true freedom...  

Dr. Alex Pankoke, DC


I'm Alex, or as some have to call me, Dr. Mam Bird!
I'm a daughter of Christ, a wife, a #boymom of two, an entrepreneur #momboss, a vitalistic chiropractor, childbirth educator, VBAC mom, and lover of all things wellness.

Back in 2019 I open my first practice after an associate experience left me needing and wanting more out of my career. I opened using all the conventional methods for building a practice, but shortly after finding out I was pregnant with my second child; I found myself burnt out not even two years into practice. I saw other mama chiropractors much further than I was into practice than I who seemed even MORE OVERWHELMED and frustrated that I was, and I knew I did not want that to be my future.
I realized the “traditional” practice was going to leave me either broke and/or burnt out but definitely like a crappy mom. 

So after I had my baby, I came back determined to live and practice the way I felt CALLED. I wanted to work part-time, see no more than 40 people a week, deliver and CHARGE for premium service, and make 6 figures WITHOUT taking insurance, doing screenings or health fairs, or taking out a huge business loan to get started.

In June 2020 with only $8k in the heat of the pandemic, I did just that and earned $10k my first month and never looked back.

Early Feb 2021 I retired my husband from his soul-sucking associateship, and in September I helped him to launch his own dream sports chiropractic practice that earned over $20k his first month.

Now, I am so obsessed with teaching other docs how to build their dream practice because I have cracked the code to 

Boutique Practice FREEDOM.

I know life is messy.

I support balance, not perfection.

I live my life on mission.

My mission is to serve God by serving others.

Loving service is my first technique. 


Could you imagine if...

  • You had a roadmap that showed you exactly how to turn your passion for service into a REAL business that paid you well, but doesn't take over your life...  
  • You knew you had a plan that allowed you to make a consistent $15k/month or more without working  long grueling hours or seeing an  outrageous amount of patients each week...  
  • You knew exactly what metrics you needed to hit to achieve your goals and write your first pay-check in month one!  
  • #Selfcare was more than just a hashtag you promote, but instead it's something you actually had time for,  so you too feel healthy, rested and & resourced.   
  • You had practice that gave you true work life harmony from the start so that you actually felt balance AND fulfillment without having to wait 10 years to get there. 
  • You knew how to market yourself and RIGHT people for your service in a predictable way that works in 2020's...  

If that is an... "YAAAS!!!", then my friend, it is time for you to check THE NEW WAY to practice! Just click the button below to enroll today and start designing the practice of your DREAMS!

What others are saying about The Boutique Practice Blueprint!

"#BoutiquePracticeBlueprint was the confidence booster I needed to start marketing to my ideal patients with an actual plan, and know that my practice will make money!"
-BPB Student

"The Boutique Practice Blueprint was definitely  a game changer for me!  
I took so much away from the course. I not only learned a lot about building my dream practice, but also a ton about myself.  
The course shed light on things that intimidated me and why, like marketing and talking about money.
It also taught me how to overcome those fears!  
If you’re wanting to start your dream practice or revamp your current practice, I highly encourage you to get with Dr. Alex. You’ll be so glad you did!
 -Dr. Janay"

Course Summary

6 Months to show you how you too can make a consistent $15-30K+/month in the practice you designed for YOU that makes BIG impact with LITTLE overwhelm, so that you can have true work life balance!

Course Curriculum

What You Will Learn

✔️Creating a Low Volume Framework for YOUR Dream Practice
✔️A System for Paying Yourself Like a Doctor
✔️Speaking to YOUR Ideal Client
✔️Creating your Marketing Plan (Getting Patients!)
✔️How Plan and Scale using Your Own Metrics
✔️Communicating The Value of Boutique Services⠀
✔️How to Keep A Profit Margin High
✔️The DEETs You Need to Open Your Doors
✔️How to Find a Great Affordable Location
✔️How to Practice like a CEO 
✔️How to Get Over the Hurdles That Hold You Back 
✔️Protecting Your Time & Energy
...and more!

What You Get

12 Month Access!
The Boutique Practice Blueprint Course & Materials
Playbook 1: Practice Design Foundations
Playbook 2: Money & Metrics 
Playbook 3: Sales and Communication with Ease and in Alignment Playbook 
4: Ideal Patient Attraction 
Playbook 5: Practice Systems for Success Playbook 
6: Launching Your New Practice Playbook 
7: Minding Your Mindset like CEO

50+ Worksheets, Excel Documents, Trackers, ect

All Valued at $10,000

🌟Bonus 1: Fast Track Earn Your First $10k Month 1
🌟Bonus 2: Building A Beautiful Brand For FREE
🌟Bonus 3: Planning for Peace with 12+ Weeks OFF Roadmap

PLUS $1500 BONUS Value!

The Investment

Payment Plan
The Boutique

$2970 USD

  • 12 Months Access THE Boutique Practice Blueprint Course
  • Playbook 1: Practice Design Foundations
  • Playbook 2: Money & Metrics
  • Playbook 3: Sales and Communication with Ease and in Alignment
  • Playbook 4: Ideal Patient Attraction
  • Playbook 5: Practice Systems for Success
  • Playbook 6: Launching Your New Practice
  • Playbook 7: Minding Your Mindset like CEO
  • 50+ Worksheets, Excel Documents, Trackers, ect
  • Bonus: Prepping For Peace Guide
  • Bonus: Guide to Building A Beautiful Brand For Free
  • Bonus: Fast Track Earn Your First $10k Month 1
  • Bonus: Recorded Group Training Calls from 2023 Cohort

Who is program is for:
You know you can help change your world for the better


You own or want to own a business


You want the freedom to design the right business for you


 You know you want a family and you know you will want to put them first

Who this program is NOT for:
Magic Pill Seekers:
There is no wand waiving here, you will have to put in the work

Cookie Cutter:

There are specific steps and content... but YOU have the freedom to make it your masterpiece

Money Bags:

Someone who values money, and getting a quick buck over client care

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